The Casablanca Settat Region and the Paris Region, in partnership with Maroc Numeric Cluster and Cap Digital, organize the 2nd edition of Futur.e.s in Africa, the first Moroccan and French cooperation event dedicated to the challenges of sustainable and inclusive territories on the African continent. Agriculture, mobility, water, energy and waste management, access to education; come and discover innovative solutions for the benefit of territories and citizens.
Futur.e.s in Africa is a unique opportunity to meet key players from major companies, universities and institutions, emerging start-up, associations: the ideal mix to take innovation further and develop solid and sustainable projects. Speakers and exhibitors from all over Africa, Morocco, France and event the United States share their expertise with you to build the future of Africa's territories.

Don’t miss the conferences where the most brilliant international minds share their insights and debates about digital transformation in Africa.
Be involved in workshops dealing with major topics of innovation, and build a high-qualified networking with professionals.
Come and test 40+ demos carefully curated amongst the best Moroccan, African and French startups!
Innovators, forward-thinking companies and institutions: our speakers provide new insights and critical perspective to major questions about innovation, technology and societal challenges in Africa and beyond. More speakers coming soon!
ASAREARCHITECT & DESIGNER, GHANADK Osseo-Asare is a designer who makes buildings, landscapes, cities, objects and digital tools. He is co-founding principal of transatlantic architecture and integrated design studio Low Design Office (LOWDO) ; co-founder of Agbogbloshie Makerspace Platform (AMP), an open-source maker tech project geared for Africa; and assistant professor of architecture and engineering design at Penn State University. -
LILIA HACHEM NAASDIRECTOR OFFICE FOR NORTH AFRICA, ECONOMIC COMMISSION FOR AFRICA, MOROCCOMs. Hachem Naas, a Tunisian national, has a 20-year career with the United Nations where she worked at the International Trade Center (ITC), the United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR) to join in October 2017 the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA), as director of the North Africa office.
JÉRÔME CHENALARCHITECT & URBANIST, EPFL, SWITZERLANDDr. Jérôme Chenal is an urban planner, specialist in urban planning and restructuring of precarious neighbourhoods. He works currently as the General Secretary of the CEAT Lab of the Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne and as expert on numerous development projects in Africa.
GHITA LAHLOUGENERAL DIRECTOR ECOLE CENTRALE DE CASABLANCA, MOROCCOAfter graduating from Ecole Centrale Paris, Ghita Lahlou began her career in the consulting firm Arthur Andersen. In 1994, she returned to Morocco to join ONA where she held various management positions, before joining the Saham group where she took the general management of several subsidiaries. As a Saham Group Director in 2012, Ghita Lahlou also holds independent positions in other Moroccan companies.
The 40+ demos are the heart of the event: experiment the best of African and French innovations, new products and services that contribute to develop sustainable and inclusive cities and lands. More startups & demos coming soon. Stay tuned!
HYDROIQwww.hydriq.co.keThe world's first Water Virtual Network Operator (WVNO) bringing intelligence in water distribution.
FENOU PACKAGINGwww.agripack.storeA web platform allows agri-food producers to find the right biodegradable packaging for their product.
PIPPIPYALAHhttps://www.pippipyalah.comPipPipYalah is the carpooling leader in Morocco, with a community of 300 000 members, who daily carpool through its app, available on IOS and Android.
DASHMAKEhttp://www.dashmake.com/sossystem/Intelligent computer system that manages health information, predicts, manages and locates claims or offences and offers insurance services.
29 Oct 2019
@ Main Stage

9:00 - 10:30
Opening session
Opening ceremony
10:30 - 11:30
The demographic pressure and the global warming acceleration have made the development of basic infrastructure a need, even a necessity for security and global balance issues. How to finance the development at the time of leapfrog and climate constraints? How to mobilize private investment in this area, which is incidentally a driving force for territories growth?
With :
— Khaled Ben Jilani, Senior partner Africinvest
— Hacina Py, Global head of export finance and of impact finance solutions
— Reda Hamedoune, Executive director at Attijariwafa bank
moderated by La tribune Afrique
11:30 - 12:30
A conversation with...
With :
— Jérôme Chenal, Architect and urbanist, EPFL
— Stephan-Eloise Gras, Director Strategic Partners in Africa, OPENCLASSROOM
— Mohamed Lakhlifi, Maroc Numeric Cluster CEO and Vice-President
— Pierre-Yves Danet, Cooperative Research Manager, Orange
13:00 - 14:00
The informal sector weights 80% to 90% of Sub-Saharan African economic activities and 50% to 60% of the continent GDP. Quite often, shopkeeping, dress design, plumbing, bricklaying and taxis driving are learned on the jobs. However, those jobs assure them a minimum income. To what extent programs developing training and entrepreneurship and the emergence of micro-taxation help to support the formalization of the informal sector?
With :
— Tarik Fadli, CEO Algo Consulting group
— Filip "Keyser" Kabeya, Tech evangelist and founder of Lumumba lab
— Ingrid Pechell, Specialist in social policies in developing countries
— Claude de Miras, Research institut for development's emeritus Research Director
— Moderated by Omar Amrani, Innovation Director, La Factory
14:00 - 15:00
With an annual growth rate which is above 40%, agritech is revolutionizing African territories. Technologies lead young people to new agricultural professions because they facilitate adaptation and resilience to global warming. To what extent these innovations enable the emergence of an Afro-centered and sustainable agricultural model?
With :
— Ludovic Fokam, Chief financial officer, Save our Agriculture
— Nawal Chraibi, Mascir Managing Director
— Ouattara Lacine, Mayor of Danané commune
— Omar Lahbabi, Partner, Technology & Digital at Deloitte
— Jean-Delmas Ehui, Fonder of ICT4DEV
moderated by Fanny Dauchez, Academy manager, Seedstars
15:00 - 16:00
In Africa, waste management is often based on an alternative system that takes into account resources’ scarcity and supplies a local circular economy. Slums built on the edge of landfills in peri-urban areas, random garbage collection in cities, including recycling or toxic waste’ treatment, often individual initiatives or those carried by a group of individuals counterbalance the lack of infrastructure. How can frugal actions be replicated at a regional or national scale? How to ensure the scalability of those actions based on circular economy?
With :
— DK Osseo Asare, Architect and Designer
— Martine Vullierme, Client partner, Alexander Hughes
— Julie Repetti, Co-founder SetTIC
— Abdelmoughite Abdelmoumen, Head of strategy and cooperation department, Caisse Centrale de Garantie
moderated by Isabelle Hoyaux, founder Scalechanger
With :
— Kwame Yamgnane, Cofounder of Ecole 42
— Fatima Arib, Director African Center for Innovative and Sustainable Solutions ACISS - Ayyad Cadi University
— Anass Bennani, Cooperation & Partnership director at the Ministry of National Education
— Amine Bensaid, Mundiapolis University President
moderated by Stephan-Eloise Gras, Directrice des partenariats stratégiques en Afrique, Openclassroom
17:30 - 18:30
By inviting artists, researchers and innovators to debate, we want to give voice to cultural and creative initiatives which are constantly questioning utopias and dystopias of the coming world.
With :
— Dk Osseo Asare, Architect and Designer
— Lucie Touya, Curator, Art Producer
— Mo Laudi, DJ, Founder of Globalisto Label and inventor of the NU world techno musical style
— Meriem Berrada, Art director, Cultural Project Manager, Alliances Foundation
moderated by Marie-Yemta Moussanang , Curator Afrotopiques podcasts
18:30 - 19:00
closing session

29 Oct 2019
@ Room 1 & 2

10:30 - 12:30
@ Room 1
Workshop co-organized by Morocco's Caisse Centrale de Garantie
The Caisse Centrale de Garantie offers a workshop on “Innov Invest” Fund financing mechanisms for innovative start-ups. Launched in 2017, this fund has a budget of 300 million Dirhams, in addition to domestic and foreign investor share which is up to 400 MDH. Its purpose is to offer startups and innovative project developers real opportunities in terms of support and funding throughout start-up life cycle.
10:30 - 12:30
@ Room 2
Workshop co-organized by Deloitte Maroc
What is a smart city? What are the current and future issues of African cities? How can smart city answer these problems? How can technology help? What factors will guarantee the success of smart cities deployment in Africa? Understanding smart cities potential is crucial for African decision-makers and urban actors. During this workshop, we will design, together, an African smart city model that addresses both cities' issues and needs of African city dwellers
13:00 - 15:00
@ Room 1
Workshop co-organized by Société Générale
In Morocco, circular economy takes a very specific form, that of prevention, management and recycling of waste, that is mainly carried by actors of the informal sector. The government sustainable development new public policies reveal the state's desire to integrate, into their program, those stakeholders who have been invisible and not recognized for a long time.
In line with "Sustainable Cities" Hackathon organized by Société Générale upstream of Futur.es in Africa, this workshop will reflect on how to innovate on waste management and recycling by relying on existing initiatives, and how the bank can operate as a trusted third party in this process.
13:00 - 15:00
@ Room 2
Workshop co-organized by AUF
By 2045, the number of urban dwellers will be multiplied by 1.5 and will reach six billion, two billion more than today. Central actress of this urbanization galloping, the City is simultaneously a fundamental space of collective human development and a place which has to offer necessary conditions of a decent life for every resident. Throughout the world, especially in southern countries, the City is facing increasing challenges, while a large part of the world's population lives within it. A digital revolution is urgent to change urban planning patterns and to avoid environmental and social risks.
In this context, dreams of a fluid and harmonious urban mobility seem unachievable, as movement flows become in turn obstacles and solutions to high concentration of people. Therefore, this workshop proposes to question the relationships between urban space transformations and social changes in Africa, and to take advantage of citizen and entrepreneurial initiatives which tackle urban mobility issues.
15:30 - 17:30
@ Room 2
Workshop co-organized with Lydec
Operational excellence is a major concern for operators to improve citizens' living environment. As a reference operator, Lydec is part of this process.
As part of this workshop, a reflection will be conducted around concrete questions: What opportunities does digital have in terms of pooling and efficiency? How to articulate digital roadmap with that of user services development ? How to initiate a digitalization project?
This workshop will also be an opportunity for Lydec to share its vision and work on the project: "City of Tomorrow", initiated in 2012.
16:00 - 18:00
@ Room 1
Workshop co-organized by Ademe
Today, the number of innovations increases exponentially: on mobility, waste, housing, economy realms. These innovations are usually technological but also social and methodological. They can affect both rural and urban areas. A city is also a collective project: every innovation should contribute to cities’ and territories’ transformation towards a sustainable model.
Solutions require a good coordination between levels, and also between the actors who have their own cultural baggage, their technical language, and their tools. That is why this workshop proposes to create a space of dialogue between sustainable city’s and innovation’s actors to better articulate the scales of action.

Futur.e.s in Africa is open by invitation only.
Would you like to participate in this event dedicated to the future of digital innovation in Africa? Request your invitation to the event by filling in the fields below. WARNING: the number of places being limited, the effective registration will be confirmed by email.
Le développement durable des territoires au cœur des ateliers professionnels de Futur.e.s in Africa 2019
by Future.es on 14 November 2019 at 16 h 23 min
Futur.e.s in Africa 2019 a consacré sa seconde édition au développement durable des territoires. Les start-up et les conférences ont animé la journée, mais c’est durant les ateliers partenaires que tous les visiteurs ont réfléchi […]
Futur.e.s in Africa 2019 : l’innovation n’a pas de frontières !
by Future.es on 7 November 2019 at 17 h 40 min
Le siège de la région de Casablanca-Settat a officiellement fermé ses portes au public le mardi 29 octobre 2019 à 19 heures, sonnant ainsi la fin de la seconde édition de Futur.e.s in Africa. Le festival s’est étendu sur deux jours. Deux jours durant […]
L’Agritech : au service d’une agriculture productive, inclusive et durable
by Future.es on 17 October 2019 at 13 h 24 min
L’Afrique est la région qui connaîtra le taux d’accroissement le plus important. Le nombre d’habitants doublera et atteindra 2,4 milliards d’ici 2050. Deux milliards quatre cents millions d’hommes et de femmes auxquels il faudra assurer une alimentation […]